Elevate Your Iced Tea

Elevate Your Iced Tea

Beautifully crafted for a crisp, classic Southern iced tea - Looking Glass Iced Tea is your essential go to for summer cookouts, afternoon tea parties or simple sunny days lounging by the pool.

This blend is specially crafted to elevate your classic iced tea experience. We use high quality, organic black tea leaves for a more nuanced flavor profile - drawing out the essence of summer coupled with notes of nostalgia.

With hints of citrus peel and malt, this blend is best enjoyed while sitting on a sunny porch on a hot summer’s day. 

Fun Fact! We named this tea after Looking Glass Rock. This popular climbing and hiking area in Pisgah National Forest was named after the ice that forms and reflects on its' surface in the winter. 

Plus, it's TEA-riffic for Your Health 

  • Black tea is rich in antioxidants and may provide health benefits, including improved heart and gut health and a reduced risk for certain diseases.
  • Black tea contains caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine, which can improve alertness and focus


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